Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ryno Leavers' Dinner

December 2009, end of an era. When attending public school in Tasmania you finish primary school in Grade 6 and secondary school in Grade 10. Grade 11/12 is completed in college. Leaving school is a big affair. Ryno and Kayla both had their leavers' dinners on Monday night. The older kids had a formal dinner at the Grand Chancellor hotel. Terry and Gillian Long, Alex's parents, arranged for us all to meet at their home before the kids were picked up. The boys and girls looked stunning!
Anticipation: Watching as the girls start arriving..
Finally here!
It would not be a leavers' dinner without a limo..
Waving goodbye to the past. Hello future!
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  1. Splendid interview with some very beautiful women.

    Creativity and imagination from pictures of Jose Ramon Merry Christmas

  2. AMAZING interview !!!

    Merry Christmas
    and a Happy & Healthy 2010
    for you and your whole family :-)
    Enjoy your Holidays...

    Kareltje =^.^=
    Anya :-)

  3. Happy holidays, and beautiful light.
